Is the insurance company on my side?

Video Transcript

When someone is injured in an accident and they start dealing with the insurance company for the person who caused the wreck, that person has to realize that insurance company has an obligation to the company. It has an obligation to the shareholders. It has no obligation whatsoever to the person that their insured harmed. Ok. So, people have to understand that because you see advertisements on TV that talk about, you know, the good hands people, or you know, like a good neighbor – those types of things. But the fact is that when something bad happens you have one entity against another entity – the insurance company versus you. And this insurance adjuster will be very nice to you, but you have to understand that their goal is to settle that case for as little as they possibly can. That’s why is it important to engage an attorney, an experienced attorney, someone who deals with this type of world every day because if you do, I see it day in and day out, you’re going to get a higher net recovery, OK, than just dealing with the insurance company directly.

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