Can I switch attorneys?

Video Transcript

You can always change attorneys. The law provides for it. The rules of ethics provide for it. And a lot of times, clients and attorneys just don’t get along, or maybe someone in their office just doesn’t get along, and that’s okay. You know, for every client, they have to feel comfortable with not only the attorney, but the staff of the attorney, because a lot of times they are the ones they are interacting with the most. So, if they’re not comfortable with the attorney or not comfortable with the staff, they probably need to find another law firm to represent them. Because if you do have a bad situation and you have got a question about something, then it can cause you to question other things later on in the relationship. You know, it’s your case and you’ve got one shot at it. You decide whether to settle it. You decide how much to settle it for. You decide whether or not to go to trial, and you better have a pretty good relationship with the attorney and the firm that you’re working with, or else you’re not going to have that trust later on in the process to get you the best result.

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