How do I handle insurance adjusters?

Video Transcript

It is dangerous. First of all, it is probably not in your best interest if you have been injured in an accident to try to handle your own claim with an insurance adjuster. Insurance adjusters, are skilled insurance employees who know the questions to ask you and the answers to look for to actually hurt your claim. I once handled a case where a settlement was reached with an insurance adjuster in a hospital room that I had to go through a lot of legal hurdles to get reversed. A man was injured in a motor vehicle accident; he had a herniated disc in his low back. He was going to have to have back surgery. The insurance adjuster met him in the hospital room and had him sign a settlement agreement for $5,000 for a case that was worth multiple times that. We were able to get that reversed but that is the kind of trouble that you can get yourself in. The best thing that you can do is contact a skilled personal injury lawyer and let them deal with the insurance adjuster.

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