Why choose Farris, Riley and Pitt if a loved one is suffering from nursing home abuse?

Video Transcript

Experience. We have handled a number of nursing home cases. They are very important to us. They are complicated cases. You need experts. You need nursing experts. You need experts in the management of nursing homes. Sometimes it goes all the way down to the staff that actually helps pick your loved one up and move them around. It can go down to that level of employee, not necessarily a skilled employee. But nursing home abuse, it happens in so many different ways, that you need experts in all of those different areas in place and ready to go. Couple of different reasons: Obviously to help you with trial, but also to make sure you understand the injuries and how they happened. We have used some of the most qualified experts in the country in our cases, and we can help families, and especially individuals, who are victims of that type of abuse.

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