Why Does Farris, Riley and Pitt Offer a Free Consultation?

Video Transcript

Farris, Riley & Pitt, LLP offers a free consultation, because we want people who are injured to feel free to come speak to us and to come talk to attorneys who have experience in the type of injuries they have received and the type of accidents or situations that they have been in. And we offer free consultations, so that people don’t feel pressured or feel like they can’t afford to see an attorney, and we want people to know that they are free to come speak to us at any time. We listen to everyone that comes to our office, and we want to hear your whole story so that we can let you know if this is something that we can handle or if this is something that you might should see another attorney for. But we want people to know that our doors are open for them if they want help from us, and if they think that they have something that we could handle for them.

Don’t Delay Getting Help Another day

If you're an injured party or have suffered a wrongful death case in your family, don't hesitate to contact us today for a FREE consultation. There’s absolutely NO FEE UNLESS WE WIN and can recover compensation for you and your family.