Why does Farris, Riley and Pitt prepare every case as if it’s going to trial?

Video Transcript

We prepare every case as if it’s going to trial for a number of reasons.

One, if you don’t prepare your case as if it is going to trial, then you’re not going to be ready when it comes time to file it and pursue it (going to trial). Also, if you don’t prepare your case as if it were going to trial, you’re gonna miss some stuff early on in the process that, in evidence, gets old. So you have to get that evidence on the front end. You can’t wait until a case is filed or until trial is imminent. You have to do all these things on the front end. And if you do all these things on the front end, the insurance company is going to recognize it. The lawyers for the insurance companies are going to recognize it, and they’re gonna pay you more money. It’s just a fact.

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